This is a film festival dedicated to Johnny Depp. Johnny Depp is known by his creativity for creating iconic characters such as Edward Scissorhands, Jack Sparrow, Mad Hatter, Donnie Brasco, Sweeney Todd, Tonto, Barnabas Collins, and so on... This project is to come up with a solution of serious of posters that show all of the iconic and beloved characters of Johnny Depp.
This is a film festival dedicated to Johnny Depp. Johnny Depp is known by his creativity for creating iconic characters such as Edward Scissorhands, Jack Sparrow, Mad Hatter, Donnie Brasco, Sweeney Todd, Tonto, Barnabas Collins, and so on... This project is to come up with a solution of serious of posters that show all of the iconic and beloved characters of Johnny Depp.
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